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Whether you are a Team Player, Executive, Business Partner, Business Owner, or any individual who just wants to make a difference, there is a certain quality that you have to attain. 

What is it that successful people do which in the end, them successful incredibly successful? Were they blessed with some unique powers that would be unattainable by the average person in the street? Was it genetic, and were they born successful in the first place? Was it the school they went to? We could ask a multitude of questions, but we know that people from extremely wealthy families are not always successful. We also will find that some successful entrepreneurs never graduated college. Henry Ford never went to High School. Many successful people did go to college. So, if there is no common denominator from the above denoting whether a person will be successful or not, we would have to look for some other qualities. 

Let's define successful: The definition of successful is accomplishing what you set out to do, or achieving a certain desired status.

Being successful is related to anything a person is involved in, whether it is a worker, a mother, an executive, or an entrepreneur. Doesn't matter what it is.

The common denominator of successful people is not just setting goals; it's setting goals and then going ahead and doing whatever it takes to achieve the desired result. 

Analyzing what successful people do daily and how they operate will give you the clues such as:

  • They get things done fast—whether they do it themselves or get someone to do it, they get it done

  • They do what they say they are going to do

  • They don't put things off till later

  • They operate off a to-do list

  • They keep to a schedule

  • It's important to them that they do a good job

  • They plan in advance and follow-through

  • No matter how busy they are, they still will get everything done that they intented

  • If they can do it today they will, rather than leave it till tomorrow

  • They accomplish targets set on a regular basis

  • They will do whatever it takes to push the completion of something over the finishing line despite anyone trying to stop them

  • They believe there is always a way it can be done.

You will also observe that they are generally very positive in attitude and have many other good qualities, but the key to success in anything is in the actions—the doingness.

One leads by example; no matter whether it's a position in a company or as a family member, someone has to set the example and the pace. 

I built all my businesses on the premise that I needed to deliver the services and products as fast as possible, as I observed that the faster we got the jobs done, it seemed to create a vacuum and pull more business in. It's a natural law. Amazon was built on this premise, and so was McDonald's.

I hope this was helpful.

Email or call at 727-243-1336 for any help you may need in increasing your personnel's speed of production.

Graham Payne

The winning action that's leads to success: Projects

(727) 243-1336

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